Update: Madore accepts Stuart’s apology
Update: Here is an e-mail David Madore sent to Steve Stuart on Sunday in response to Stuart’s apology. As for Madore’s comment about the press making the most of people at their worst, I should add that it was his group, and not The Columbian or CVTV, that put the Jeanne Harris “gavel down!” video on YouTube:
I just now read about this and did not realize earlier that you emailed me. Josephine normally assists with emails and she mentioned it briefly. But I did not pick up on it. Thank you for setting a good example of how to respond when we err.
You are certainly forgiven. You will find that I am nearly impossible to offend. No offense is taken. Sometimes there is a graIn of truth in criticism. I would be happy to talk with you about whatever would make you feel that way. I do not presume to know it all. I am sure that in a number of areas, you can help fill in the gaps. You still have my respect even though we sometimes see things differently. With time, I expect that we will be fellow comrades fighting on the same side of various issues.
Sorry about your tooth. I trust that you are past the pain and back to normal. Marc was right not only about you, but about anyone who serves in public. The press will make news of our worst moments. Hopefully, they will also notice when we get it right.
No doubt, my human failings will also be noticed. I hope you will be gracious to me when my turn comes around.
You still have a warm invitation to come visit and enjoy a tour of US Digital. It would be a pleasure. Simply call to make an appointment. 360-260-2468
I also replied to all in following your lead.
David Madore
Update: Here is an e-mail message Commissioner Steve Stuart sent today to David Madore:
Not sure if you’ve read the Columbian blog today reporting on a conversation the Commissioners had yesterday about the upcoming Congressional listening session. In the blog, I was quoted calling you a name. The context isn’t important, but it is important to me that I make no excuses and say I’m sorry to you. As a public servant and person who believes in the Golden Rule, it’s simply inappropriate for me to say thoughtless things like that. We can disagree on details without being disagreeable.
Again, I’m sorry for my remark, and look forward to seeing you soon. Also, I hope you don’t mind that I’m cc:ing the other Commissioners and the Columbian reporter who were all at the meeting so it is clear to them that I believe I was wrong.
Take care,
And here’s the original blog:
Before Clark County commissioners got down to business Wednesday during board time, they had a few chuckles over Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler’s upcoming “listening session” on regional transportation needs.
The Feb. 21 meeting will be a magnet for sign-waving opponents of light rail and bridge tolls, commissioners said. (See e-mail below from Josephine Wentzel of NoTolls.com.)
The opponents are led by David Madore, businessman and founder of political action group NoTolls.com.
Commissioner Steve Stuart, who beat a Madorista last fall, questioned why Madore was on a list of “local transportation experts and stakeholders” that includes Clark County Public Works Director Pete Capell, Larry Paulson, executive director of the Port of Vancouver and Paula Hammond, secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation.
“He doesn’t know anything,” Stuart said of Madore. “He didn’t even know the I-205 bridge had federal funding until I told him last summer.”
“Madore is a crackpot,” said Stuart, who was admittedly cranky because he’d just had a root canal and hadn’t taken any painkillers.
Commissioner Marc Boldt said the hearing is going to be more than Herrera Beutler bargained for when she arranged a “listening session.”
“I told the congresswoman today, ‘This won’t be the last time you screw up,'” Boldt said.
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Notolls@notolls.com
To: NoTolls@notolls.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 5:42:33 PM
Greetings Friends:
You are invited to participate in a listening session conducted by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure regarding legislation to reauthorize the Nation’s highway, transit and highway safety programs. The listening session will take place on MONDAY, February 21, 2011, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Vancouver Service Center (PUD Building) located at 1200 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA and will be open to the public.
The committee is seeking input on reducing the number of Federal surface transportation programs, cutting government red tape, streamlining the project delivery process, increasing private sector investment in transportation projects, identifying creative financing alternatives and other ideas for improving accountability and performance in these programs.
Please come ready to protest against light rail and tolls. We encourage you to make your own signs and bring it with you.
This is our chance to show Washington DC that this community does not want the debt associated with this bridge project!
Send your comments by email, fax, or phone. Let the representatives know that you want your comments to be put on congressional record. Please write, call or fax ASAP before the listening session!
Geoffrey Strobeck
Subcommittee on Highways and Transit
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
U.S. House of Representatives
Congresswoman Jaime Herrera-Beutler (WA 3rd)
750 Anderson Street, Suite B
Vancouver, WA 98661
Tel 360-695-6292
Fax 360-695-6197
- Tell them you don’t want tolls in Vancouver
- Tell them it is the wrong project and that this project will not solve congestion as the bottleneck is in Portland.
- Tell them we don’t have the density or ridership in Vancouver for Light Rail
- Tell them that the states are too far in deficit to provide their portion of the funding
You may go to www.notolls.com for further information.
(Note: Citizen comment will be limited by time, so please prepare thoughts and information in writing.
. Material may also be delivered to Congresswoman Herrara-Beutler’s staff at the hearing.)
Josephine F. Wentzel
Co-Chair, www.notolls.com