More than one person has reported eerie feelings and hearing strange noises at homes across from the Park Hill Cemetery at 5915 E Mill Plain Blvd.
One tale submitted to the Ghosts of America website mentions the dangers of playing with a Ouija board:
On that site, someone named Brendon submitted this story:
A few years back I was staying in the basement of a house across the street from the cemetery on Mill Plain Boulevard. We had played around with a Ouija board that evening. I never believed they actually did anything until this night.
My friend and I were smoking a cigarette down at the bottom of the basement stairs next to the laundry room just outside of the room we played with the Ouija board.
As we were conversing and smoking a loud, deep voice came from the basement stairs and very clearly said “get out.”
I couldn’t believe it then I saw the look on my friends face. Before I could say anything he asked if I just heard that.