
19th Annual Winter Weather Forecast Conference In Portland

Hot off the press --- here is the announcement for the BIG winter weather forecast meeting on October 29th at OMSI. If you enjoy following the weather, you won't want […]

October = Let The Storms Begin

Welcome to October everyone! There are two reasons why October is my favorite month of the year. First, the leaves change color as fast as you can change the channel […]

AMS Weather Meeting – Come One, Come All!

AMS "Kick-off" Meeting / Blogger Appreciation - Saturday 9/24 in Portland The 2011/12 season opening Oregon AMS meeting / Weather Blogger Appreciation is a little more than a week from now. […]

“Fest” Forecast = HOT!

It is time to address something "VERY" important (pun intended)! The 2011 "FEST" forecast for this coming weekend's 40th annual Vancouver Sausage Festival! Here is the forecast in one word […]

"Fest" Forecast = HOT!

It is time to address something "VERY" important (pun intended)! The 2011 "FEST" forecast for this coming weekend's 40th annual Vancouver Sausage Festival! Here is the forecast in one word […]

Could Portland Hit 90 This Weekend?

This post is dedicated to a good friend of mine (Ryan Underhill) who appreciates it when I deliver an accurate forecast. He also never lets me forget a forecast that […]

New Coastal Radar Is Now Operational

Happy Friday everyone! Just a quick post to pass along before the weekend. There is good news to report on the coastal radar installation! We have a signal. Please see […]

Rare July Weather Continues

The Portland International Airport will close out the month of July without a single 90 degree high temperature. This is the first such occurrence in the month of July in […]

A Great Weekend On The Way!

The weekend is beckoning us all and this time it will not disappoint. If you are looking for a sunny / warm weekend, this one will be it! A ridge […]

Record Cold July! More To Come?

I am certainly not the first person to comment on how cold it has been this July so far. It is all over the media today and other blogs as […]

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