Scones with Brown Sugar Glaze

We are off to find a Christmas tree and I made scones for the trip. If you haven’t made scones before, they are worth trying. Easy and flexible, you can customize with whatever your family likes best!
Scones with Brown Sugar Glaze
Makes 24 scones
- 3 C flour
- 5 t baking powder
- 1 t salt
- 2/3 C brown sugar
- 2 sticks chilled butter (1 C) cubed
- 1 T vanilla
- 1 egg
- 3/4 C heavy cream
- 2 C add in item(s)- chopped pecans, mini chocolate chips, dried fruit, bacon bits etc. I LOVE pecans.
Brown Sugar Glaze
- 5 C powdered sugar
- 1/2 C milk (or cream or half and half)
- 1/2 t salt
- 3 T brown sugar
Heat oven to 350. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
In small bowl combine vanilla, heavy cream and egg. Set aside.
In large bowl sift flour, salt, baking powder, sugar together. Using pastry cutter, cut in butter. Continue until mixture resembles small crumbs. Mix in add in items.
Using fork, add liquid from small bowl to dry ingredients. Mix until combined as best you can.
Turn out onto lightly floured surface and knead lightly to make sure all is combined. Do not over knead or scones become tough.
Using a rolling pin and your hands, roll dough into a rectangle 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick. Cut into strips, cut strips into squares. Make diagonal cuts for triangles.
Place on cookie sheet and bake 20 minutes until lightly golden. Scones will puff up, don’t crowd on sheet.
Remove from oven and cool. While scones are cooling, make brown sugar glaze. If you frost hot scones the glaze will melt off. I learned this the hard way. Oops.
Combine glaze ingredients in medium bowl. It is possible you may need to add a bit more liquid, do so sparingly until glaze has the texture you prefer. It should be thick but spreadable.
Setting scones on wax paper, dump about a tablespoon of glaze on top and spread it around. Add sprinkles or raw sugar to decorate. Glaze will harden in a few hours.
Serve with coffee (or tea or cocoa) and pick out the best Christmas tree ever!
Modified from “Petite Vanilla Scones” by the Pioneer Woman,