Leek and potato soup in a hurry

With two big leeks languishing in my fridge, I needed to make soup. That was my penny-pinching side talking to me. Then another thought popped into my head: So what if I didn’t get around to using a couple of leeks? It’s not like wasting tenderloin steak. That was my lazy side talking to me.
Still, I didn’t really have anything planned for dinner. Yes, those two leeks were going to get their 15 minutes of fame. That’s about how long it took to make the soup and a salad to round out supper. I don’t have an exact recipe for the leek soup, but it’s based on standard cream soups that are in many recipe books. I just started chopping and putting things together.
Leek and potato soup (four or five servings)
2 large leeks, trimmed and then chopped into discs
1 peeled and cubed Idaho potato
3 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup chopped onion
3 cups chicken broth (I use organic free-range)
1/2 cup heavy cream
Melt the butter in a deep pan and saute the leeks and onions. Add the flour, stirring constantly. When you have a paste forming around the leeks and onions, add the chicken broth and cubes of potato. Let the mixture simmer, watching as the soup thickens.
When the potatoes have softened, add the cream, seasoning with salt and pepper according to your taste, then maybe some green onions or chives for contrast.