Demo chairman: No time for complacency

A new fund-raising message from Dwight Pelz, chairman of the state Democratic Party, reveals the party’s growing anxiety about how it will fare in this year’s U.S. Senate race and congressional races across the state.

“I’m concerned,” Pelz wrote. “I talk to a lot of Democrats. They can’t imagine that Dino Rossi could beat Senator Murray

“‘Oh… We love Patty Murray, she’ll have a tough race, but she’ll be fine.’ ‘Dino Rossi, the two-time loser… Patty will be fine.'”

“Most Democrats feel the same about our Congressional incumbents and State Senate and House majorities,” Pelz wrote.

“Thinking like that is why we have a ‘Mission Critical’ problem! This year Democrats don’t seem to have the energy and sense of urgency that’s propelling the Republican right wing and their Tea Party activists.”

“Let’s face it. We won’t be able to recreate the fantastic energy that Barack Obama inspired two years ago. But if we sit on our hands and think that others will take up the slack, we have already lost the battle. Please don’t let that happen!”

Pelz asked for contributions of $25 to the party’s “Mission Critical” campaign. His goal is to raise $41,250 in the next two weeks to help staff 12 grassroots campaign offices around the state and generate a million get-out-the-vote phone calls before the general election.

One of the party’s top biggest challenges is finding a way to reenergize the millions of young people who worked for the election of President Obama in 2008.

Kathie Durbin

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