Nothing is more essential to a pet than fresh water. Did you know that a pet’s body is more than 80 percent water? Hydration is vital for all animals and helps with digestion and circulation, as well as other functions. Every pet needs water. Have you ever heard the expression you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink it? Well it applies to all pets. Not all dogs or cats will drink lots of water, however they may need more than they actually get. Some dogs will drink out of toilets and anyplace they find water. However, that might not be the best water to ingest.
I have a picky dog who would rather have bottled water than water out of the facet. Our water is pretty clean but a dog’s sense of smell is so much greater than ours. Most dogs can smell chemicals, and just don’t care for tap water. Our water smells like bleach, and even I can’t stand the taste.
Your pet’s water intake depends on how active it is and how much time they spend outdoors. Cats tend to drink less then dogs do, since they are less active. But, in all pets it can be a serious problem if your pet does not get enough water. They can develop kidney and liver issues from lack of water, not to mention a dog needs water to stay cool.
In lieu of bottled water, there are new pet fountains that filter the water on the market. Most have filters that will need changing. Some can have water deposits, so daily cleaning and filling is a must. Look for well made brands as some have splashing issues or filters that clog easily. Be diligent in your search and don’t just buy the cheaper one on the market.
If all else fails, use bottled water if you can’t find the fountain of your pet’s dreams. If you go that route use spring water . I use bottled and filtered water for my pets. Some pets are just picky like mine. They now make special water for pets with enzymes that may help pets when they get sick. If your dog is ill, this will help keep them hydrated. However fresh water is also a necessity.
Always have water available and give them as much as they will drink. If you have been out on a walk or a run, you may want to limit intake of water as they can drink too much at once, which can sometimes cause them to get sick. It is best to give them a little now and again in 15 minutes. Another trick is adding water to the dry food. You don’t want to drown it but a few teaspoons of water may help improve water intake.
Well hydrated pets are healthier and less prone to have medical issues. A hydrated pet is a healthy pet and will make you happy in the long run.