Star, the little elf

A Holiday Wish From A Little Star Elf may the new year bring peace to all of God’s elves.
A blanket, a coat, some gloves to stay warm all donated to those who don’t have a home. Some toys for the children, a tasty ol’ treat, puts a smile on their face and a glow in their cheeks. We share cakes and cookies with family and friends hoping to visit them by the years end. A puppy, a kitten, a hamster or two still wait for a home for the holiday too. If you want your heart to grow bigger this holiday too, showing kindness to others makes you special too. As for me, I’m a jolly elf. My moral is simple: Don’t be a Grinch yourself. Start giving and sharing as much as you can, your heart will grow bigger I promise my friend.
Happy Holidays to all from Star The Little Yorkie.