Paleo in a Pinch


Ok. Don’t laugh. Alright, you can laugh a little – only because I am. Maybe you’ve done this too? Back in the day, when Aaron and […]


This recipe is inspired by kindness. My husband and I ran the 2012 Hood 2 Coast relay this summer. We totally scored by snagging two spots on a team […]

Taco Tuesday, BaBy!!

Before going Paleo, my husband and I were huge fans of Taco Tuesday – here, there and everywhere… give it to me! Now that we live in the grain […]

Pork Tenderloin with Fig and Walla Walla Sweets

Not too long ago, my drycleaner blessed me with fresh figs. I’m not sure why, as we have a slight language barrier. She pointed at me to wait, […]

Rojo Chicken and Cucumber Salsa

I was totally pumped when my friend, Amy, blessed me with cucumbers from her garden. It was like the clouds parted and inspiration was born. I was dreaming […]

Cowboy Breakfast Scramble

Rise and shine, it’s time for breakfast! More often than not, eggs are on the menu at our house. It’s an Egg-cellent (sorry, I couldn’t help myself) and […]

Salmon with Avocado and Pineapple Salsa

We have friends that head off to Alaska every year and catch crazy amounts of Salmon. I’ve been lucky enough to be on the receiving end when they return. […]

Carne Asada

I recently made a pit stop at Chucks Produce. I was PUMPED to find Painted Hills, Grass-Fed Carne Asada – AND it was NOT marinated!! I quickly purchased […]

Lamb Stew

I took an exquisite journey, following my taste buds to create this recipe. With a little bit of this and a little bit of that – a chef-d'œuvre […]

Beef Stock/ Soup Starter

I was super excited to see that Inspiration Plantation, a local Rancher/Farmer in Ridgefield WA, ( had Beef Bones for purchase to make Beef Stock. I quickly snagged a […]

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