A pepper for your thoughts

Is there really any wrong way to serve these? Bell Peppers can be grilled, baked, sauteed or just eaten raw! You can dunk them in hummus, mix them in a pork stir fry, dice them with eggs or lay them over a grilled chicken salad. The point is they are honest to goodness one of the most variable vegetables out there! Most of your health food stores will carry them year round and even better yet, they’re delicious year round! Wanna stay local? No problem, most farmers markets will have a bountiful batch too.
The sweetest of the family are the red and orange; we like them with asian style stir fry’s, curries or with scrambled eggs and chicken sausage. They are also great as an on the go snack with a nutty flavored hummus. The yellow and green have a more neutral flavor profile so they won’t be as dominant in your recipes. Try these colors in homemade chili’s or ground turkey spaghetti sauces.
Let us know how you incorporate bell peppers into your diet! We would love to hear your recipes!
Your healthy friends,
Courtney & Ryan