So, apple pie. Why’s that romantic, you ask? First of all, it’s..ah…well, it’s pie. Who doesn’t like pie? You’re making something the person you care for probably loves. How can anyone resist warm pie with vanilla ice cream softening over the top? It’s sensual, it’s delicious. It’s PIE!

Second, apples have that whole Adam and Eve thing going for them. Temptation and giving into it. A little feeling of naughtiness, maybe even sinfulness, in spite of the wholesomeness of an apple and the Apple-For-The-Teacher.

Here’s a recipe for apple pie that a friend gave me many years ago. It was her special recipe, one she used to enter her pie in county fair competitions. I cheat and use a prepared pie crust, you can use your favorite recipe.

Apple Quince Pie

Line a 9″ pie pan with your favorite crust. Brush pie crust with apple brandy and sprinkle with several tblsps. flour. Cover with 2 1/2 cups thinly sliced Granny Smith apples. Dot with 5 tsps. quince jelly. Sprinkle with brandy. Repeat layers. Then dot with 1 tblsp. butter and sprinkle 1 tblsp. slivered almonds. Cover with top crust and brush with beaten egg.

Bake at 400 for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 and bake for additional 30 minutes. Serve warm with a scoop of good vanilla ice cream.

Happy weekend!

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