We are watching some cow judging.  It’s not on the Fan Fair Schedule so I can’t tell you exactly what the competition is.  All the cows are black, they all appear to be female, there is a lot of talk of “heifers,” and the judging classes seem to be determined by how old the animal is.

Utters appear to be important, particularly well balanced ones.  Traveling well is a bonus, as is having lots of length and goodness.  I have no idea what any of this means, but it sure sounds like a fine wine.

Speaking of whine, there’s a lot of that going on, too.  So much mooing!  All deep and with purpose.    Perhaps they don’t appreciate my husband eating his lunch right in front of them.  He got a Monster Burger.  Mmmm.


Toni Woodard

Toni Woodard

I am a Clark County Fair Fanatic and eat all things fried during the glorious 10 days of The Fair. I have lived in Clark County since 2004 and consider it the second-best decision of my life. I am married to a great guy named Rob (first-best decision) who graciously carries my stuff and takes my picture every time I eat something at The Fair. We have two indoor cats and lots of deer, rabbits, and coyotes who are kind enough to stay outside.

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