Fair Food Feast Parade ~ Day 1
Any other time of the year, I am a pretty healthy eater. I have all sorts of self-imposed food rules that I live by. Like, no potato chips, no ranch dressing, no ice cream after 8:00pm. But when it is Fair time, well, all rules are toast. Like cinnamon French toast drenched in butter. Mmmm. The ten days of the Fair are the one time each year I let myself eat with abandon. Hot dog!!
For giggles, I used to keep a list of what I ate during the Fair. But it got too complicated so I started having my husband, Rob, take pictures of me whenever I ate something — much easier to remember that way. And thus was born my Annual Fair Food Feast Parade — the Daily Edition.
Here is Day 1. And unless otherwise noted, I consume everything by myself to the very end.