Yep, I gained weight from all that Fair Food

I promised I would share how much weight I gained with all the ridiculous eating I did during the Fair. I got on the scale the morning of Opening Day (August 7) and again at the same time of the morning after the Fair ended (August 17). I have tracked both my weight and my mileage for the past three Fairs. I am astounded by the results.
In 2013, I walked an average of 3.59 miles per day and gained 2.6 pounds.
In 2014, I walked an average of 3.65 miles per day and gained 2.6 pounds.
This year, I walked an average of 3.35 miles per day and gained 2.6 pounds.
There are so many reasons this makes me shake my head. And I agree with you, it is just plain wrong and it isn’t fair. I really don’t know what else to say about it other than I’m sorry. 🙁
And with that revelation and apology, this brings to a close the 2015 edition of “It’s the Fair!” Thank you so much to all of you who followed along and made comments and commiserated about the Best Fair on the Planet. I truly loved sharing my love of the Clark County Fair with you!
Next year’s Fair is August 5-14, 2016. Mark your calendars and I will see you there!