YEAH to helping a kid and a family in need tomorrow

I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself but I think this is info you need to know today so you can plan ahead.
Tomorrow is the Junior Livestock Auction. It is a BIG deal to a lot of people, most especially the kids who have been working very hard raising, nurturing, feeding, and otherwise being parents to animals they are hoping will help fund their futures.
The kids raise the animals, get them judged, and then bring them to Saturday’s auction. Individuals and businesses bid on them. The kids get the money and bid a tearful farewell to their livestock buddy.
So buying an animal at the auction helps the kids big time. But we can all go even a step further.
If you want to support the kid but really don’t have use for the animal…or just want to help out a needy family in Clark County…you can buy the animal and immediately donate it to an organization called Y.E. A.H. (Youth Efforts Against Hunger).
YEAH was formed in 2006 by the Board of the Junior Livestock Auction. The purpose is to take the donated animals from the auction, process them, and then give the meat to families throughout the county via the Clark County Food Bank. How great is that? Families who are struggling get some of the best meat available anywhere, raised by kids who know what they are doing.
So even if you don’t want to deal with taking a cow or hog home with you tomorrow, you can still buy one at the auction and then donate it to YEAH. You help a kid, a local family, and get a tax deduction all at the same time. I will definitely raise my paddle to that!
Check out the YEAH website for more info.