Boss Hog is a Champ

Unless you are looking at a map or are just wandering without direction, it can be a little tricky to stumble upon the Pig Barn (officially called Hogs). The snorting bacon-slabs-on-feet are out in the southwest corner of the Fairgrounds on the backside of the Grandstands.
I was just meandering through the pens and happened upon Logan. He was happily hanging out with his hogs, one of which is a Grand Champion with a pretty orange and purple ribbon.
Logan was very well-spoken and happily answered my questions about Boss Hog and his hopes for this weekend’s auction. Boss weighs just about 300lbs and cost Logan about $600 to raise. An auction price of $3-$4 per pound would make Logan a very happy pig farmer.
Oh, and he broke his foot right before Fair when he was jumping on a trampoline. Logan, I mean, not Boss Hog.