Therapy llamas are so calming!

Today is Prime of Your Life Day, meaning there are special programs and activities for folks in their later years. You can define that however you want, although I do know that there is reduced pricing if you are at least 62 years old. Groovy!
One of the extra special exhibits today is the chance to hang out with, pet, hug, and even kiss a pair of fancy, fuzzy llamas. Smokey and Rojo are certified therapy llamas, meaning they and their handlers have gone through training and testing to verify the animals love people and are safe and friendly to be around. No spitting, guaranteed!
The llamas spend a lot of their non-Fair time visiting senior centers, schools, hospitals, and other venues all around Clark County and the Portland metro. They LOVE people!
You can catch them under a blue tent outside the west end of the Exhibition Hall from 2:00-4:00pm and again from 6:00-8:00pm today. And bring your cameras – they love to pose for pictures.