Magic Mike at the Bull Riding Show

We’re on a little break here at the Bull Riding show in the Grandstands. So far only one cowboy has broken the 8 second barrier…I think. He couldn’t quite let go even though he fell off the bull. It was quite a scary sight to see him being dragged around the ring by the hand. So I’m not sure it that counted as a ride or not, but I sure was relieved to see him walk away in one piece.
Dragged cowboys notwithstanding, by far the most entertaining part of tonight’s show thus far has been a little interlude engineered by the rodeo clown.
He pulled four boys out of the crowd to have a dance contest. They competed oldest to youngest. The first was a boy about 10 years old. He and the next two did their awkward best to shuffle their boots to some country music.
Then it was the last dancer’s turn. He was probably about 5 years old. The capacity crowd knew we were in for a show when the kid requested a music change. He wanted “Uptown Funk.”
The music started. Our little cowboy swayed his hips and then tossed his cowboy hat towards the crowd. Before we knew it, he was untucking his shirt, ripping open the buttons, and showing us his 3-pack. His shirt on the dirt, he was going for his belt buckle when the clown called time. The crowd voted by applause.
Our little stripper won, not even close.