Fair Food Feast Parade ~ Day 3

My appetite is slowly returning. Thank goodness. I mean, I have LOTS of cheating eating to do and only 7 more days left! Today’s Parade started sort of slow and pathetic but I feel like I sort of rallied at the end. Greasy fingers crossed for tomorrow!

Yummy pastrami sandwich from the Community Church of Christ booth (they also sell pies). Oooh, mayonnaise how I have missed you!

Basic potato chips. Noteworthy because the last time I ate potato chips was while watching the Super Bowl.

A Strawberry Smasher fruit drink from the booth near the Grandstands entrance. Very tasty despite it looking like I am smoking a pipe.

Still working on yesterday’s White Cheddar popcorn. Yes, I brought the baggie from home. The cheesy salt was very soothing to my tummy.