It’s Llama Day!

We are spending a good chunk of today in the Llama Greenway. If you don’t see me in the Food Court, the llamas is a good second choice.
Full disclosure — in the off-season I have the enviable volunteer “job” of helping out with Rojo the Therapy Llama and his buddies on visits to schools and hospitals and retirement homes. So I’m pretty biased.
There are all sorts of competitions today including Showmanship, Conformation, and Halter Class. To be honest, I’m not sure what “Halter Class” is. When I think halter, I think of those groovy tops that tie around the neck. I wore them when i was rocking 1978 as a 10-year-old. I’m guessing that’s not what will be happening here on the Llama Greenway.
Rob and I will both be competing in the Open Class Llama Obstacles later this afternoon. Come watch us. We’ll be easy to spot. We’re the ones inadvertently making the audience giggle