Bacheloretting it at the Fair

We were just in the Food Court — imagine that — when we spotted The Best Party Idea EVER!
Kimberly and about dozen of her friends are here today to celebrate her upcoming wedding. That’s right, this 22-year-old decided to have her Bachelorette Party at The Summer’s Best Party. How freakin’ brilliant is that?!?
“I just really like the atmosphere here. Plus some of my friends have kids so this way they could bring them, too,” explained the Fair Fan and bride-to-be.
The women arrived in time to have dinner (I like Kimberly) and plan to take in tonight’s Moto X motorcycle jumping show.
Kimberly loves the peach milkshakes from the Dairy Women Milkshake barn (smart lady), and she is hoping to get pulled on stage for Jerry Harris’s hypnosis show at 9:00pm. With an entourage , a bright pink blouse, and a “I’m the Bride” sash, I’m betting she has a really good shot.