Fair Food Feast Parade ~ Day 5

A good showing today on the Feasting! However, it didn’t end well. Jerry Harris’s hypnosis show ran late (which was SO worth it — I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time). So by the time I was ready to get my Deep Fried Oreo night cap, the Sweet Cheeks truck was closed. SO SAD!! Don’t worry, I’ll make up for it tomorrow.

Irish Sundae with The Works (butter, cheese sauce, sausage, bacon, sour cream, and chives). I only eat this once a year… YAY FAIR!

My friend Makayla made this strawberry-blue gatorade-Sprite drink for me as part of a 4-H demonstration. I like Makayla.

Chicken strips from the Lions Booth. A great snack! Especially with Ranch dressing. And Sriracha sauce — but be sure to ask for permission from the Yakisoba Booth lady first.

I tried Kiwi flavor on today’s Hawaiian Shaved Ice. My bad. YUCK! The Cinnamon on the other side was great — a lot like Red Hots.

Free sample of Ghost Pepper Beef Jerky. I like spicy food. The heat on this eventually hit but it didn’t last long. Eh. But it was free!

This orange chocolate fudge wasn’t free. And it was too orangey. I should have gotten a milkshake instead.

North Carolina BBQ Dog from the Dogville Booth. It was really good! Zippy sauce, crunchy cole slaw, flavorful dog. I’m liking the dogs at Dogville much better than the ones at Boppin’ Bo’s.