Early bird gets the hashbrowns!

Good Morning from the Midway!
Yep, the Fair hasn’t officially opened yet but here I am! We arrived before 9:00am so my husband could enter some veggies in the Fair’s second-half Open Class competition. Fingers crossed!
I like the pre-open-gates vibes on the Fairgrounds. It’s mellow, a little sleepy, not quite caffeinated, somewhat expectant, preparatory. Maybe all mornings are like this; I’m a night person so I try not to know.
We’ve handed over some garden bounty and have enjoyed a tasty egg-hashbrowns-and-pancake breakfast from the chicken-Mexican-grilled-corn-breakfast spot just west of the milkshake barn. We’ve been noshing with 4-H kids, vendors, fire department guys, and seniors who arrived early to take in their special “Prime of Your Life Day.” It sort of feels like a secret club here. The We’re Here All The Time Club. I like it. They are my people.