Note to Fair Management: Give Marilyn her bling back!

Every year I look forward to seeing a very particular lady with a blonde ponytail driving around the Fairgrounds in her decked-out tractor. I’m not sure what her real job is, but I consider her The Fair’s “Ambassador-On-Wheels.”
I always greatly anticipate seeing how she’s decorated her tractor each year. She complements it perfectly with a permanent grin and goofy hats..
This year, though, she’s in a boring John Deere mini-something-or-other, no decorations, no bling, no hat. She’s still smiling, though.
I just saw her and asked why no decorations this year. She said her boss told her she couldn’t. She and I looked at each other, sharing pouts.
So, Fine Fair Management People – What’s up with that!?!? Please please please let Marilyn bling her heart out so she can represent Summer’s Best Party properly. Whether you realize it or not, she and her crazy decorations are an important tradition here.