Get your Fair Swag…finally!

I am SO excited to finally see some cool Fair-logo stuff for sale! I love being a billboard for My Favorite Party on the Planet, so I have been harping for a few years that the Fine Fair Management People needed to have a little souvenir stand. And now they do! It’s down by the Blue Gate near the Pirate Diving show.
I have to admit, I was a little surprised by the prices. They are high. $45 for an adult sweatshirt, $20 for adult t-shirts, $5 less for kids’ gear. Hats (baseball and military-style) are $20-$25. The cinch sack for $10 is a good deal, though. The one I had made a few years ago cost me about twice that. Probably because it has a very particular shoe company’s swish on it.
One really awesome thing about the prices, though: a local non-profit is sharing in the proceeds. A woman working the Gear Booth said that the Fair is giving the Metropolitan Performing Arts Academy a “very generous” percentage of the profits that come in from the swag. That made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Yay community-minded Fair Management People!
Like my new sweatshirt?? I got a $5 lapel pin for my cinch sack, too.