I’m at The FAIR!!!! First impressions…

I’m here! At my most favorite place on the whole planet! Ok, maybe it’s not specifically this bench outside of the Exhibition Hall, but anywhere in the Clark County Fairgrounds is my happy place.
There’s a good crowd but not so much that you can’t move around. We’ve already said hi to several friends along the way. That’s one of many things I LOVE about this Fair — it’s a community thing where running into friends can be expected.
We made it as far as the Food Court. We passed Sweet Cheeks along the way. That’s the Deep Fried Heaven Truck that made its debut last year. Mmmmm! The Young Life Booth is still offering corn on the cob and frozen lemonade but now the booth is called Dogville and features “gourmet” hot dogs. I had the Chicago Dog — and an ear of corn as a appetizer — for lunch and highly recommend it. With utensils.
Today’s featured milkshake at the Dairy Women Milkshake Barn is…peach!
OH! I just spotted the Fair Swag booth!!! Gotta go!