MiFi at My Fair

It worked! So now I can confidently announce that I will be blogging a little differently at this year’s Clark County Fair. Yay!!
Just to shake things up a bit and to maybe catch a few more zzzz’s each night after The Fair, I am going to give “live blogging” a whirl. My hope, plan, and dream is to come at you several times per day while at the Fairgrounds. With live, on-the-scene updates, observations, food recommendations, etc. So several shorter blogs scattered throughout the day instead of one longer one at night.
My equipment is my trusty travel netbook and a newly acquired mobile hot spot. Yeah, I know a tablet might suffice but I don’t have one, mostly because the keyboards are still less than ideal for anything more than an email. So I am attempting to be cutting edge with 2011 technology. Should be a hoot!!
So if you see someone with corn juice on her shirt and deep fried Oreo bits in the corners of her mouth, tapping away on a netbook while watching seals do tricks near the Blue Gate, that would be me. Be sure to say hi!
Less than 22 hours to go!!!!!