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The Columbian has a cool new website and blogger page since last year’s Fair. Yay! However, since I am not a year-round blog, it’s pretty tricky to find me. Boo!
Due to technical short-comings, there is really no easy way to find “It’s the FAIR!” unless you know the link (here it is for future reference: http://blogs.columbian.com/its-the-fair/ ).
You might stumble upon my blog if you are on the Home page for the newspaper, then click on the Blogs tab, then click on any blog listed under the Community list, then click on the “Columbian BLOGS” link in the upper left corner, then scroll down until you see my most recent entry…listed in the order it was posted among all the other blogs. Easy shmeasy, right? Oy.
Sadly, there’s no way to search for my blog either. Type in “It’s the fair” in the Search box and all that comes up is a seemingly political post from last December that is no longer accessible. Sigh.
So if somehow you have found me, bless you! If you like what you are reading, pass the word! If you want to follow my Fair coverage, bookmark my blog’s “home page” or click on the “+ Follow” box in the bottom right corner. Just enter your email address as indicated and you’ll get a note every time I post something. Neato!
For the curious, the home page for “It’s the FAIR!” looks like this:
Or like this:
Curiously, the ads “randomly” associated with my blog have to do with weight loss. Apparently the cybergods know what’s coming. Mmmmm…