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Easy Muesli

Last week, merry. This week, frantic. The holidays are a trying time - all of us trying our best to get it all done. We are trying to do too […]

Christmas Monster Cookies

Deck the halls and ho, ho, ho - Christmastime is finally here! It’s time for sleigh bells, and holly, and mistletoe, and jolly. But most of all, it’s time for […]

Tea Bread

I love writing at this time every year because I know that it will reach you just as you are about to set sail into Thanksgiving. You are hopefully well […]

Old Fashioned Gluten-Free Cornbread

We are counting the days. Thanksgiving, the meal we’ve all been waiting for, is a mere week away. This is the Super Bowl of cooking. A triathlon of shopping, cooking […]

Freeze-Ahead Mince Pies

Last year, I started a new holiday tradition by making my first Christmas pudding on Stir-Up Sunday. This special day always falls on the last Sunday before Advent (November 24 […]

Slow-Cooker Spaghetti Squash Ragu

Time has shifted to warp speed again as the days start to tick off closer and closer to Christmas. Even with the extra hour from daylight savings time, there still […]

Chipotle Tamale Pie

Grief is a lot like a skinned knee. It hurts so much at the beginning, when it first happens. But then, as the days go on, it continues. You think […]

Eyeball Tacos and Halloween Boo Board

The leaves are falling frightening fast, a chill is in the air   Our summer days are gone and past, it’s time to have a scare So gather goblins, ghouls and friends, […]

Mini Meat Loaves, Green Beans, and Potatoes and Vegetarian Meatloaf

Time for traditional comfort food. Something enduring that soothes your hunger and your spirit. National Meatloaf Appreciation Day is this October 18th. Created in 2018 by Serious Eats, it isn’t […]

Creamy Pumpkin Zuppa Toscana

It’s time for cool weather cooking. Time to start cooking low and slow, take advantage of the new season’s produce, and savor the cooler days. In the past week, I’ve […]

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