The (new) Day After Report: A road trip, and some change

We are trying something new this season.

Instead of one incredibly long (and incredibly written) piece that details every game in our area, we are going to split up the reports.

That means you might get some notes from me from the games I cover, and some notes from other reporters from other games. Actually, that isn’t new. It’s just that in the past, I compiled everything into one long post that often totaled more than 1,500 words. Now, the notes will be split up and posted throughout the day (or weekend) on the blog.

I have to admit I’m going to miss the old way. It was a lot of work, but you’ll never hear me complaining about “working” when I’m working football games.

However, we hope this will benefit you, the reader. You are more than welcome to read every one. We encourage it, even. However, if you are just interested in the Camas game, or the Union game, or the Ridgefield game, well, now you can just find your game easily.

Now, we cannot promise we will get extra notes on every game. We will try. Just can’t promise it. And when our locals teams lose by a bunch to non-local teams, well, we probably won’t try too much, if you know what I mean.

But yes, from the big games, all reporters should be able to file extra notes. There is only so much room in print, only so much time on Friday nights before deadlines, so there has to be extra stuff to put in the Day After Report. (Or should I say reports?)

Anyway, I’m writing this explanation from the press box at Husky Stadium. It’s about 2 p.m., two hours before Mountain View will face Auburn in one of the games that make up the Emerald City Kickoff Classic.

This will be my third game in three nights in three different parts of the state.

Again, I’m not complaining. I love this stuff.

Thursday, I drove to Longview, an easy drive from Vancouver. I was just getting my vehicle warmed up. Columbia River took care of R.A. Long on opening night.

Yes, technically, it was opening night. But c’mon, we know better. Opening night for high school football has to be on a Friday.

I celebrated the real opening night with a trip to Pasco to watch No. 1 Camas crush No. 4 Chiawana.

And now, here I am in Seattle, ready for Mountain View to play its first game of the year.

We don’t travel outside of Clark County for most non-league football games, but this is special. It’s opening week.

My next big road trip will probably be in the postseason.

But wherever I am, if it’s at a football game, life is good.

Hope you enjoy our coverage.

— Paul Valencia






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