Coaches cheer and Jimmy Buffett sings at Mountain View football

Mountain View coaches have found a new way to start practice this season.
“We don’t even have a name for it yet,” Mountain View coach Adam Mathieson said last week.
The coaches leave the locker room first, then create a human tunnel for the players to run through on the way to the practice field. Coaches clap, scream, and do what they can to make the players feel like this is going to be a great day.
“We’re trying to get the excitement, trying to simulate the game experience,” Mathieson said. “Football is an emotional game.”
It should be emotional in practice, too.
“The coaches will be the cheerleaders. Our job is to get them in the right frame of mind and get going,” Mathieson said.
Once the Thunder got to the field, they practiced with music. But this was not your typical music for a high school football practice. This was not rock or hip hop. Jimmy Buffett was the star of this show. His songs came on a bunch, sprinkled with some country music.
“If it isn’t country, it isn’t music,” an assistant coach told the players.
Not sure if Jimmy Buffett should be considered country. But close enough. Wikipedia describes his style as “Island escapism.” Sounds good to me. Plus it’s on the internet, so it must be true!
Either way, Mountain View football practices with coaches who are cheerleaders and Jimmy Buffett.
Not a bad way to spend the day together.