3A Greater St. Helens League all-league volleyball
Player of the year: Brindl Langley, Camas.
Treneisha Doyle, OM/MB, Hudson’s Bay
Johna McEllrath, OH/MB, Prairie
Grace Boyer-Quick, OH/MB, Columbia River
Kiana Davis, OH/MB, Kelso
Jessica McDonald, OH/MB, Prairie
Abbie Younkin, S, Camas
Tori Porter, S, Prairie
Katie Pagel, DS, Prairie
Katie Trimble, OH/MB, Columbia River; Nikita DeMare, OH/MB, Prairie; Karlee Lubenow, OH/MB, Prairie; Jessica Fischer, S, Kelso; Morgan Ambrose, S, Morgan Ambrose; Nicole Stohr, DS, Columbia River
Carissa Campbell, OH/MB, Prairie; Kendall Johnson, OH/MB, Mountain View; Carly Sims, OH/MB, Kelso; Kathrine Kofoed, OH/MB, Columbia River; Malika McNamara, OH/MB, Fort Vancouver; Kystra Brixey, S, Mountain View; Kendal Warren, DS, Prairie; Sierra Wishard, DS, Kelso.
Coach of the year: Andrea Doerfler, Prairie; Abby Guttormsen, Kelso