3A Greater St. Helens League all-league boys tennis
Player of the year: Trevor Jones, sr., Mountain View.
Team of the year: Ian Jones, sr., and Zac Jones, sr., Columbia River.
Chris Perez, sr., Columbia River
Trong Nguyen, so., Fort Vancouver
Jake Hsu, jr., Camas
Lane Cooper, so., and Ian David, so., Columbia River
Reo Cragun, sr., and Aaron Bode, so., Hudson’s Bay
Kyle Lowe, sr., and Chieh Han, sr., Mountain View
Sam Lin, sr., Noaki Tsuruta, jr., Camas
Singles: Gus Cooper, sr., Camas; Daniel Turner, so., Hudson’s Bay; Dylan Koester, so., Columbia River; Tyler Sparling, fr., Mountain View; Doubles: Joey Colson, so., and Jeff Colson, sr., Columbia River; JJ Jung, fr., and Richard Nakagawa, sr., Camas; Stuart, sr., and Arnikan Baleswan, sr., Mountain View.
Coaches of the year: John Heim, Columbia River