Insanity! P90X! La Center!
The La Center Wildcats are not an infomercial. They just look like one on the practice field.
The Wildcats are doing something a little different this year in preparation for the football season. The coaching staff is dedicating 30 minutes a day at practice to conducting a modified workout program.
Coach John Lambert called it a combination of P90X and Insanity.
“It’s difficult,” the coach said.
He was talking about the workout, but he also could have been describing the difficulty of getting coaches to give up 30 minutes of traditional football practice every day. The Wildcats committed to it, though, to see if it would make a difference during the games.
“We just want to be in great condition,” Lambert said. “We want to be in the fourth quarter feeling good.”
La Center travels to Hockinson for a Week 1 game.