4A GSHL all-league boys soccer team
Co-players of the year: Brandon Langeland, sr., def., Union; Keenan Townsend, jr., gk, Skyview
Mikhail Doholis Jr. Fwd Union
James Nosack So. Fwd Skyview
Timur Zhividze So. Fwd Evergreen
Josh York Sr. Mid Evergreen
Mikhail Wingate-Pearse Sr. Mid Skyview
Michael Granados Sr. Mid Union
Mac Brandenburger Jr. Mid Battle Ground
Erik Davies Sr. Def Evergreen
Hayden Schuh Jr. Def Skyview
Andrew Batson So. Def Battle Ground
Garrette Worle Sr. Def Heritage
Hudson Poissant Sr. Def Union
Alex Wheelon Sr. GK Sr. Union
Co-Coaches of the year: Kelcey Burris, Union; JJ Klaus, Battle Ground