
Fighting obesity with insects

Scientists have come up with a new way to fight obesity: eating insects. A United Nations report released Monday found the health benefits of eating nutritious insects could help fight obesity. The […]

Late-night snacking explained

A researcher at Oregon Health & Science University has an explanation for why people get the urge to snack in the evenings: the body’s internal clock. In a study published in […]

Say goodbye to salt shakers

A staple at restaurants in Mexico City may soon be vanishing from the tabletops: salt shakers. The Mexico City health secretary and the city’s restaurant chamber signed an agreement to encourage […]

Mississippi passes bill banning soda bans

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant signed into law this week a bill that prevents cities and counties in the state from banning supersized sugary drinks and huge restaurant portions. Take that, New […]

Say ‘no’ to food games

If you’re worried about your child’s waistline, then it’s time to ditch the food-themed games. Dutch researchers found that children who play food-themed online games tend to eat more, and eat […]

Sad state of school snacks

Did you know many kids consume up to half of their calories at schools? Also, half of secondary school students consume at least one snack food a day at school, an […]

We are hungry

School lunches have been the center of debate for years. But in the last few months, the debate has heated up. This month, schools across the country began implementing new U.S. […]

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