
Return of the Twinkie

Twinkies made their grand reappearance today after an eight-month hiatus. “The sweetest comeback in the history of ever” – the new box logo – included some changes for Twinkie. First, the new […]

Cellphones are making us lazy

Research is now proving what many (myself included) have suspected for years: cellphones are making us lazy. A recent study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity […]

Things that make you stink

Showering and brushing your teeth isn’t always enough to keep your body stink-free. Sometimes, other body odor culprits – such as food, medications and health conditions – sneak in to create […]

‘Heart attack on a hook’

Restaurant menus often take a beating over the healthfulness of their offerings. So what does a restaurant have to offer in order to be deemed the “worst restaurant meal in America?” Serve […]

Pool poo

Looking for a way to cool down in the scorching summer heat? Before you dip into the community pool, consider this: About 58 percent of pool filters tested in a recent […]

Home is where the junk food is

New research found most food students, parents and teachers bring onto school campuses is unhealthy. The new research, led by Kaiser Permanente researcher Karen J. Coleman, found nearly 80 percent of […]

Introducing, HealthBeat

It’s time for a makeover. This blog was started about two years ago when The Columbian launched a new health portal, Live Well, on In the beginning, the blog contained posts […]

Frappuccino calorie count

Next time you go to order a grande Caramel Frappuccino, you’ll be faced with the blended drink’s calorie count. Starbucks announced today all of its stores’ menu boards will include caloric […]

Little white lies

Admit it, you’ve fibbed to your physician. Maybe you told your doctor you exercise five days a week, when you actually only hit the gym a couple times a week. Maybe you […]

Night owl or morning lark?

Turns out your college major says more about you than you may think. Or, at least, more about your sleep habits. A new study shows that the college majors people choose […]

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