Get the 10-week workplace fitness program
If you want to start a workplace fitness program but don’t know where to start, Clark County Public Health recommends the American Cancer Society’s Active for Life program. The ACS has a prepared 10-week campaign for businesses to help their employees become more physically active.
The county has participated in this program for a few years with good results, said Tricia Mortell, Chronic Disease Prevention program manager, in an email.
“In 2011, 18 teams with a total of 228 staff participated.
Team captains encouraged and supported individuals in meeting and tracking their weekly fitness goals. Teams also organized group fitness activities such as golf, walking, hiking and kayaking.
The Wellness committee also encouraged teams to gather and share their success stories. One team captain was herself an inspiration. Not only did she focus on increasing her physical activity, but she lost 90 pounds, reduced her blood pressure and no longer suffers from Type II diabetes. Through the support provided by this program she was able to realize many dreams including joining a Hood to Coast team and finishing a 100 mile bike event,” writes Tricia.
For more information on Active for Life, visit the American Cancer Society online. Any employer can participate.