Safe sun exposure apps

Want to avoid sunburn while at the beach?
There’s an app for that.
Smartphones are offering apps that predict how much UV exposure you’re getting and track when you may need to reapply your sunscreen.
The New York Times took a look at some of the sun exposure apps on the market and what they have to offer.
The iTanSmart app (for the iPhone, of course) allows users to select whether they want to avoid sunburn or get a tan. They then enter their skin type and the SPF of the sunscreen they’re using.
The app then looks up the UV levels for the given location and calculates safe exposure times. The app also has a timer to alert you to when you need to apply more sunscreen or head for the shade.
The Go Tanning Tan Timer UV Index for Android works in a similar fashion. This app also apparently has a timer to alert you when it’s time to flip over so you get an even tan.
Have you ever used a tanning app?