Teens mix marijuana, driving

Marijuana is becoming more and more widely accepted by teens, including those who get behind the wheel.

Liberty Mutual and SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) conducted a survey about teenagers’ attitudes about marijuana use and driving.

The survey found that 19 percent of teen drivers admitted to driving under the influence of marijuana, compared to 13 percent who reported driving after drinking alcohol.

The survey also found that teens are less concerned about the affects marijuana has on their driving.

In 2009, 78 percent of teens said marijuana use was “very” or “extremely” distracting to their driving. That dropped to 70 percent in the recent study.

Some of the other survey findings include:

-36 percent of teens who have driven after using marijuana said the drug presents no distraction to their driving; 19 percent of teens who have driven after drinking don’t believe alcohol use presents a driving distraction.

-Most teen drivers said they would stop driving under the influence of marijuana (90 percent) or alcohol (94 percent) if asked by their passengers.

-87 percent of teen passengers said they would ask a driver to refrain from driving after drinking. Only 72 percent of teen passengers would do the same for a driver who used marijuana.

The survey findings come at a time when marijuana use is at its highest level among eighth- to 12th-graders in 30 years.

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