Greg Jayne

Blazers Are Trend-Setters

Not sure whether the Blazers deserve credit or scorn for this, but the "3 Goggles" are becoming all the rage. Yahoo Sports writes about it here. The goggles are especially popular […]

Just In Case You Haven’t Had Enough Jimmer Yet

Awesome Sports Illustrated cover photo of Jimmer. Just awesome. And some interesting observations from Chris Chase of Yahoo! Sports if you read the text. […]

Just In Case You Haven't Had Enough Jimmer Yet

Awesome Sports Illustrated cover photo of Jimmer. Just awesome. And some interesting observations from Chris Chase of Yahoo! Sports if you read the text. […]

A Brief Item: Highlights of Northwestern Basketball

This might be hard to believe, but there are some sports fans who are not familiar with Northwestern's rich, rich basketball history. I am aghast at such ignorance. Why, how […]

Call It The Big Least

Anybody happen to see top-seeded Pitt's epic failure against Butler? Anybody happen to notice that Pitt is from the Big East? Anybody still think the conference deserved 11 teams in […]

Random NCAA Tournament Thoughts

I don't mind the NCAA expanding to 68 teams, but that shouldn't make the Thursday-Friday games the "second" round. Does that mean 60 teams received a first-round bye? It still […]

Remembering The Fab Five

Love them or hate them, there's no denying the impact Michigan's Fab Five had on college basketball and the culture of basketball in general. Which is why an ESPN documentary […]

Who Should Be The NBA MVP?

Michael Jordan thinks Derrick Rose should be the MVP this year. Given Jordan's track record with the Charlotte Bobcats, it's no surprise that his player evaluation in this case is […]

How Have The Blazers Overachieved?

So, the Blazers sign Nate McMillan to a two-year contract extension, which would seem to be the obvious move. And while there has been much talk about the job he […]

Cheaters Never Prosper?

So Cam Newton gets flustered by a question from an NFL team during interviews at the Draft Combine. They should have asked him how he'll feel when he's stripped of his […]

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