Glad He's Somebody Else's Problem
From the “no, duh” file of every Blazers fan, Bill Simmons writes that Rasheed Wallace is insufferable.
Sheed will finish the 2009-10 regular season next week as my least favorite Celtic ever, edging out Todd Day, Fred Roberts, Sidney Wicks, Curtis Rowe and Vin Baker. At least Vinnie had an excuse: a drinking problem. Sheed has an apathy problem. His doughy, nonchalant shadow looms over every game. . . .
Sheed loves being on a winning team. Loves the camaraderie, loves needling opponents, loves riding the refs, loves barking encouragement after big plays. I would bet anything that this past summer, Sheed knew he was done and decided, “Instead of retiring, I’ll just sign with a contender, pocket another $20 million, hang with the fellas, jack up some 3s, play myself into shape during the regular season, then go hard in May and June.” You could execute a plan like that only if you didn’t care what fans thought.
You know, it just never seemed right that Wallace won an NBA title. It’s like the basketball gods weren’t paying attention. Sheed arrived in the league during an age of selfish, self-entitled, misanthropic players, and has been a first-team pick on the Unlikable All-Stars ever since.