Gardening with Allen
Sucessful Flower Plantings
Is it too late to plant a new flower bed? I have not always been successful in picking the best varieties for a particular situation or combining flower kinds and […]
Trimmers and Tree Ties Can Damge Trees
I use a line trimmer to trim the grass around my trees. My neighbor says I am damaging my trees. Is that true? Power line trimmers or weed eaters have become […]
Vegetable Pests
I had a problem with worms in my cabbage and broccoli last year. I also get maggots in my radishes and beets. Is there any way to prevent these? Yes, you […]
Warm Weather Brings Pests
I am seeing holes in some of my plant leaves. I also notice a little green bug on some tree leaves. What do you recommend that is safe to use […]
Sprinkler basics
I recently had a new sprinkler irrigation system installed for my home. At the recommendation of the contractor, I had drip irrigation installed in my beds. I am anxious to […]
Bulb Planting Time
I would like to have more daffodils and tulips next spring. Is now a good time to plant them? Spring-flowering bulbs are available in many stores now. Best selections are at […]
Fertilize Lawns in the Fall
I read that it is very important to fertilize your lawn in the fall. Could you explain why fall lawn fertilization is so important? I consider the fall application more important […]
Vegetables for Fall and Winter Harvest
What vegetables can I plant now for Fall and Winter harvest? Carrots planted now will be ready in early November. Carrots can be wintered over in the ground for harvest all […]
Hedge pruning
My hedge is starting to lose its leaves on the lower branches. Is there something I can do to restore full lower leaf growth? Yes, you can gradually restore full leaf […]
Ornamental Grasses Becoming More Popular
I have seen a lot of beautiful ornamental grasses recently. Is this a good time to plant them? What kinds do you suggest? The ornamental grasses come into their prime in […]