Gardening with Allen

How to Start Seeds Inside

It is relatively easy to start vegetable and flower seeds inside if you have the right conditions and if you are willing to give them the daily attention required. You will […]

Indoor Plant Watering

I do not seem to have a good handle on watering my indoor plants. I water all of them about once a week. Some pots have mold growing on top […]

Recent Cold Weather Will Test Plant Hardiness

This sudden recent cold weather has me worried about plants which I planted this year. Are we likely to have a lot of winter damage to plants this year? Answer: The […]

Living Potted Christmas Trees

Is it practical to use trees growing in pots as Christmas trees so they can be planted later outside in the landscape? Yes, living trees and other plants can be decorated […]

Orchids are easy to care for

Orchids are one of the easiest decorative flowers to grow in the home. They have several attractive characteristics: 1. The flowers last longer than any other flowering plant. An orchid plant […]

Winterize tools, equipment, containers

Trees, shrubs and other perennial plants growing in containers should be moved into a protected area such as a covered patio, unheated shed or garage by early December. Plants which […]

Long Lasting Poinsettias

  I have noticed poinsettias for sale already. How do they get them in bloom so early? If I buy one now, will it last until Christmas? Just like everything else associated […]

Winter Care of Indoor Plants

As the sun gets lower in the winter sky and days become shorter, less and less natural light reaches indoor plants. We also have more cloudy days in winter, which […]

Most Bulbs Do Not Need to be Dug and Stored

Question: When I lived in Indiana I had to dig my summer flowering bulbs every fall to prevent them from freezing. The climate here in Washington is much milder. Are […]

Leaves improve garden soil

Question: I am new at vegetable gardening and my garden did not produce as well as I had hoped. My neighbor said I need to improve my soil. How do […]

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