
Thirsty Trees and Shrubs

If you have not watered trees and shrubs this summer, it is time to give them a drink. We have had no measurable rainfall for well over a month. A […]

Landscape remodeling

The main problem with most mature landscapes is overgrown shrubs which no longer enhance your home. They may have been sheared so they are all round balls or boxy hedges. […]

Is it time to plant bulbs?

Have you noticed fall bulbs on store shelves already? Isn’t it too early to plant bulbs? Actually, there is no reason to delay planting of tulips, daffodils and other fall bulbs. […]

Lace bug damage on Azaleas and Rhododendrons

I have noticed a lot of lace bug damage recently on azaleas and rhododendrons. Azalea lace bug (Stephanitis pyrioides) is a relatively new insect pest in the Pacific Northwest. According […]

Deadheading Increases Flowering

The main reason for removing old, dead flowers (referred to as “dead-heading”) is to improve the appearance of the landscape. However dead-heading will also increase the amount of bloom of […]

Protect Trees from Bark Damage

Unplanted mulched areas around trees protect them from bark damage by mowers and trimmers. Tree bark is much more than a protective layer. The inner bark layers contain tubes which […]

Best Way to Irrigate

July and August are the highest water use times of the year. We have a combination of warmer days, hotter temperatures and little if any rainfall. All this adds up […]

Redirect Strawberry Runner Plants

Strawberry plants are busily sending out runners with new plantlets. Some of these plantlets are already sending roots down into the soil. Even if they have started to root, they […]

Organic Pest Controls

There is a virtual arsenal of natural and organic pesticides available now and more are being developed every year. A few have been available for 50 years or more. One of […]

Make second planting of short season vegetables

You are probably picking short season vegetables such as radish, lettuce and spinach right now. Now is the time to make a second planting for harvest later this summer. I […]

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