Author: Staff

What Can I Plant Now?

I see all kinds of plants arriving in nurseries and garden stores. We don’t have to wait for official spring to begin planting in the Pacific Northwest. We don’t even […]

New Garden Tools

If you have been shopping for gardening tools recently you probably have been surprised at some of the design changes in the old standbys. There are many ergonomic tools available […]

Fruit Tree Pruning

Established fruit trees require yearly pruning for best health and maximum fruit production. Regular pruning will also help keep most of the fruit bearing branches within easy reach for harvesting. […]

New Climate Zone Map

The US Department of Agriculture has released an updated climate zone map for the United States. This revised map was developed with the assistance of Oregon State University. For the […]

Testing Old Seeds

I like to test my old vegetable and flower seeds about this time of year because I will be starting some of them inside very soon. I count out 10 […]

Planting Mix for Seeds and Bulbs

How can I select the best planting mix for starting bulbs and seeds inside? Most indoor planting mixes will work fine for starting bulbs and seeds inside. Some have fertilizer in […]

Grow Fresh Herbs in a Sunny Window

Question: I miss my fresh herbs from the garden this time of year. The fresh herbs in the grocery store are very expensive. How can I grow some of my […]

Gardening Benefits

The “Great Recession” has converted a lot of people to gardening out of necessity. Many have taken up vegetable and fruit gardening to provide less expensive food for the family. […]

Planning Landscape Improvements

Question: I was told recently that January is a good time to contact landscape experts before they get too busy. I don’t have a lot of money for fees. Who […]

Improve Growth of Straggly House Plants

A friend requested my help for her Devil’s Ivy plant. It is not as attractive as it used to be. Stems growing out of the pot have lost leaves giving […]

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