Author: Staff

Do You Have A Green Thumb?

I recently had a conversation with a friend who admits he "is not into growing plants". He commented, "I guess I don't have a green thumb." And then he almost […]

Is It Time to Irrigate?

Last Friday I noticed a few wilted areas in my lawn. So I decided it was time to irrigate on Saturday. Then I woke up to drizzle. The all day […]

Taller Grass Has More and Deeper Roots

Years ago I observed an experiment where lawn grass was grown in pots and cut at various lengths. After 6 months soil was washed from the roots and dry weight […]

Protect Trees from Damage and Death by Trimmer

The line trimmer has become almost as common as the lawn mower for landscapers and gardeners. It gives lawns that finished touch with all the edges neatly trimmed. Young trees […]

Remove Sprouts From Recently Pruned Trees

June is a critical time to remove those fast growing vertical sprouts that occur after trees are pruned in the fall, winter, or early spring. This is particularly true for […]

How to Prune Rhododendrons

Question: Your recent garden blog about pruning Rhododendrons suggested pruning right after they bloom. In the same article, you mentioned that they make new vegetative growth after they bloom. Wouldn’t […]

Can I remove my bulb leaves yet?

Those daffodil and tulip leaves can get pretty ugly before they finally turn brown. Cutting them off now would also make it easier to plant annuals for additional summer color. […]

Proper Lawn Mowing Height and Frequency

Proper mowing height and frequency will go a long way toward improving lawn performance. Grass blades are the manufacturing plant of the lawn. If cut too short there is less […]

Spray Roses BEFORE They Get Disease

Rose Foliage is very beautiful this time of year. It is dark green streaked with the red of fresh new growth. There are no ugly spots or discoloration. That will […]

Children and Gardening

My greatest learning experience with children and gardening came when I began teaching my youngest child about gardening. With my older children I had carefully monitored their work to make […]

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