I have an abundance of moss growing in my lawn and shrub beds. I have this problem every year about this time. I have used several brands of moss control products that control most of it, but I have to make repeat applications to get it all. Do you know a better way of controlling moss?

Moss Control products such as “Moss Out” and “Rid Moss” are reasonably effective in controlling moss in lawns and shrub beds. I usually apply them at twice the recommended rate and make sure all areas are completely covered. I also like to apply lime or any soil sweetener at a rate of 10 pounds per 1000 square feet at the same time. Moss thrives in wet acid soil. Lime sweetens the soil and makes it more difficult for moss to survive.

I now use ferrous sulfate in place of moss out because it has a much higher percentage of iron (which kills the moss). Ferrous sulfate is not readily available to home gardeners, but most landscape contractors can apply it. My rate for applying both products is usually not much more than the retail cost of moss out and lime materials alone. It provides the homeowner with an inexpensive way to get the job done, without all the time and effort needed to obtain and apply these dusty, dirty materials. For example, the average 2000 square foot lawn can be treated for about $50.

It is very important to brush or blow any moss control product off of concrete areas immediately after application. If the granules become wet, they will stain concrete with small rust colored spots.

Moss Out for Roofs and Structures contains a natural zinc compound which is non-staining and non-corrosive to wood, concrete, asphalt, and metal.

Allen Wilson

Allen has been writing about gardening for over 30 years. He is a retired professor of Horticulture.

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