
The Gym: I don’t like it

I've done it again. Fallen off the workout wagon... It's been three weeks since I've taken my scheduled cycling class and two weeks since I've had pool time with Christie. […]

Splish Splash: My pool adventures

Truth be told, I've become a little bored with Cycling class. Besides, it's good to mix up the workout routine. I haven't been in a pool in a couple of […]


Some days are just better than others. Especially when it comes to working out. There are days when I'm in cycling class and I can't seem to get my legs […]

It’s hard

I promise you. You don't want any part of this. Being fat and out of shape that is. If you haven't already -- then don't. Don't come any where near […]


Despite not wanting to. I did. Sleepy. Low energy. Unenthused. I went. See, the thing is I'm just now getting back into a workout routine.  So, I don't want to miss a […]

Unfufilled: A childhood memory

As a child, I watched from the sidelines of the school playground while the other kids hung from monkey bars, teetered on teeter-totters, jumped rope, and played all the games […]

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