Farewell Fatso!

Healthy and sick

I pride myself on working out, eating whole fresh foods, and resting -- the key ingredients to health. Such as life, there are periods were my habits are better, more consistent […]

Like The Incas

Most of us eat several times a day. Any slight sensation of hunger and we feed it. It’s even recommended to eat six smaller meals a day to keep our […]

Fresh and far away

We are so far removed from our food and its sources. A lot of our food, so-called food is made from a slew of hard to pronounce ingredients, in far […]

Walking proud and often

As a morbidly obese woman weighing in at a whooping 388 pounds. The normal everyday things were more like an obstacle course. I could barely walk. Forget about walking and […]

It doesn’t

When it comes to working out some days certainly are easier than others. I’ve been working out now on a regularly basis for a couple of years. I think, I’m […]

It doesn't

When it comes to working out some days certainly are easier than others. I’ve been working out now on a regularly basis for a couple of years. I think, I’m […]


Squats. Lunges. Push-ups. Typical exercises found in most workout routines. We done plenty of them in yesterday's boot camp, but we also done a little something unexpected, something fun -- […]

Confident Chick

The fat girl has to try harder. So I did. I was funny, charming, and exuded confidence – nothing more than false bravado. I was always dressed to the nines […]

Believing in self

When I have the pleasure of delivering a speech. I explore five themes: Hard work, making adjustments, staying the course, believing in self, and never giving up. These very themes […]

Slow lane

Aren’t you tired of hearing about this? I know I am. Huu…Try living it. It’s like, hurry up and lose the weight already, fatso. So we can move on. You’ve […]

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